Television has come such a long way over the last few years. What was once something that occupied you in half hour chunks after a day of school is now a hub of ingenious cinematic experiences that keep you glued to your seat for a full 60 minutes. This year, producers did not hold back from giving the public the absolute best they have to offer with television shows. Here's 14 of the best television shows of the 2013/2014 cycle.
This list is by NO MEANS exhaustive. There are literally too many good TV shows for this to be a complete list.
13. Constantine | NBC
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2014 was the year of the nerds. Both movies theaters and television networks alike had more than enough healthy doses of comic book adaptations and superhero series. One of the absolute best to come out of that is 'Constantine'. For those of you who don't know, this show follows the comic book character Constantine as he wrestles with the sins of his past that continue to haunt him as he finds himself in the position to defend humanity from the evil forces of darkness. Sounds dark? That's because it is. This gritty not-for-kids series has really been causing a buzz around communities and if you haven't gotten a chance to check it out then come out of the cave you're living in you should. Pronto.
Viewer discretion advised. Many audiences may find some of the content of 'Constantine' disturbing as it deals with the supernatural.
12. Doctor Who | BBC America
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Ahh the dawn of the new Doctor. The new season of 'Doctor Who' has been a fairly hit and miss one for sure but it is worth checking out because of the new Doctor: Peter Capaldi. He is obviously not the bestest Doctor ever Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant or skeleton face Matt Smith but rather a darker and more serious twist on the character of the Doctor. I know this is a series that takes a lot of time and dedication to keep up with but it's definitely worth it in the long run. Peter Capaldi makes for quite the interesting Doctor and will add a refreshing flavor to the 'Doctor Who' universe. Sorry ladies, no attractive Doctor this go around. You'll live.
11. Salem | WGN America
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I was pleasantly surprised with WGN America's 'Salem' when it premiered this year. I usually get scared (pun intended) whenever I see any TV shows that try to deal with this sort of topic but I must say that this show got it right. The events of the Salem Witch Trials has always been one shrouded in mystery and mischief and I think 'Salem' does it justice. Aside from some minor quirks, the first season was filled with unexpected turns and surprising twists. Best watched with the lights off and under the covers of course.
Viewer discretion advised. Many audiences may find some of the content of 'Salem' disturbing as it deals with the supernatural.
10. True Detective | HBO
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HBO's done it again, delivering yet another phenomenal, and of course dark, show to the top shows of the year. 'True Detective', starring Woody Harrelson without the twinkies, and everyone's favorite car spokesperson Matthew McConaughey as their very lives get caught up during the hunt for a serial killer and the reports of a once closed ritualistic murder in Louisiana. I like crime dramas when they're done really well and HBO has pushed the envelope once more in turning something that's already good into something that's gold. Stellar plot, phenomenal performances, absolutely fantastic plot (and plot twists)...everything is just great about this show and I can't help but look forward to my continued late nights watching 'True Detective' again next year.This should be on everybodys watch list. Sign me up!
9. House of Cards (US) | Netflix
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As if Netflix wasn't already doing well enough, 2014 marked the year of the second season of their original series 'House of Cards' (Not to be confused with the UK version). This show proved wrong the crazy idea that all Netflix contained was old shows and movies. 'House of Cards' follows Francis Underwood, a Congressman, who conspires with is wife to not only take down everyone who gets in their way but to carry out his larger scheme of becoming the President of the United whatever cost it may be. Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright put on the most chilling, sinister and bizarre performances I have ever seen in a television series and season 2 just stretched the boundaries even more. Not only did it outmatch season 1, it changed the game entirely for what's to come next. Any show that gets its audience to binge watch all of it's seasons episodes the day it's released is well deserving of being one of the best shows of the year.
Viewer discretion is highly advised. Many audiences may find some the content of 'House of Cards' disturbing and offensive as there are numerous dark elements including profanity and sexual content (contextual of course). Bottom line, don't tell anyone you're watching this until you're done the seasons to avoid judgement and being possibly ostracized by conservative groups.Trust me.
8. American Horror Story: Freak Show | FX
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The 'American Horror Story' series has always been quite the anomaly. It's one of those shows that not many people will admit to watching but it's such a...special and well done series that you can't help but neglect all responsibility and eating for a few days and watch it all. I was never much of a fan because quite frankly I never got on the boat in time to enjoy the seasons from the beginning. With the premiere of 'American Horror Story: Freak Show' though, I finally got my chance and boy was I impressed. As everyone knows, with each new season of 'American Horror Story' comes a brand new plot so it's almost like the start of a new show every time. This particular season took on the horrors, twists and themes of the circus life. Here you're introduced to common "freaks" of the circus world such as the two-headed woman, the bearded lady, the incredibly short yes-that-chizz-is-real midget, the-boy-with-claws-for-hands and more. Say goodbye to sleep because there's clowns too...I hate clowns. Despite it's....edgy tone, 'American Horror Story: Freak Show' deserves a place on the list because of it's willingness to break out of the already black and creepy little box that it created for it self and reach to impressive new heights.
Viewer discretion is highly advised. Many audiences may find some the content of 'American Horror: Freak Show' disturbing and offensive in many possible ways. This show goes out of it's way to break the mold and many times it may not come across well. Also, caution for lack of sleep and future fears of circus related conversations or activities.
7. Arrow | The CW
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Where do I start? 'Arrow' has come a LONG way since it's season 1 premiere and it has done nothing but get better. Honestly this has to be one of the best shows on television. The premiere of season 3 has brought so much to the's hard to believe that I have to wait an entire month until the season continues, I'm trying my hardest not to cry in the mean time. The CW made sure that 'Arrow' came out with its guns blazing this year and it does not disappoint. They have proven themselves to have complete master ownership of this show and everything it offers. If you haven't picked this gem up already, you should. Seriously. Do yourself the favor and power through the first season. You won't regret it.
6. How To Get Away With Murder | ABC
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I'm not exactly sure what ABC had planned with the release of 'How to Get Away With Murder' this year but it somehow paid off. For anyone who doesn't know, 'How to Get Away With Murder' is about a group of law students and their professor and they get involved in a murder plot that not only threatens to change the nature of their university, but change their lives as they know it. Interesting right? This show started off a bit weak but it really started to make a good name for itself and really became a strong asset to the TV season this year. Looking forward to see what's in store.
5. Game of Thrones | HBO
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HBO's 'Game of Thrones' series has really proven itself to be more than just a 60 minute mid-evil fantasy drama with lots and lots of boobs. It's almost as if the powers that be realized that good character development and plot can actually sell as well or even better. The 4th season of 'Game of Thrones' blessed our hearts this year with just that. Fantastic character development, even more deaths of our favorite (and one not so favorite) characters, and a dynamic that is one to remember for the ages. Looking back, there were quite a lot of episodes this season that involved literally nothing except talking...but it was still so engaging and left me at the edge of my seat. This is one show that has risen above the rest and reaches a higher level of awesomeness with every single episode. This show definitely is not for everyone but if the fantasy world of power hungry kings and mystical elements catch your fancy, then this show may be for you.
Viewer discretion advised. Many audiences may find some of the
content of 'Game of Thrones' disturbing as there are scenes of violence, gore, partial nudity (a heck of a lot less since the first season) and strong themes.
4. The Flash
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After the success of '
Arrow', the CW decided that one hero isn't enough. 2014 marked the premiere of The Flash after making an appearance in '
Arrow's last season. '
The Flash' follows lovable-nerd Barry Allen after he is struck by a lightning bolt at his home in Central City. He discovers out that the bolt gave him the powers of super speed so he decides to help people with it. You know, the usual goody good superhero story but the CW manages to never make it grow old. Every episode feels fresh and unique plus there's those crossover episodes with the '
Arrow' television show that just makes things all the better. It's so cool to see two separate shows residing in the same universe.
Rumor has it that there's more to come. You should add this to the top of your watch list right next to '
Arrow'. Trust me.
3. The Legend of Korra - Book 4: Balance
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Controversy aside, 'The Legend of Korra' had to have a place on this list. What seemed like an innocent children's show on Nickelodeon turned out to be a deep and complex world where that talks about the struggles of one's self, the world around them and corrupt political regimes of the nations and those trying to usurp them. -Clears throwat- 'The Legend of Korra' returned this year with its final season that follows the avatar Korra as she recovers from the horrible injuries she sustained in the fight with Zaheer in Book 3. Now the Earth Kingdom faces the problem of stabilizing itself after the death of the Earth Queen which leads to them rallying (sort of) behind Hitler Kuvira/The Great Uniter and her attempt to reclaim what belonged to the Earth Kingdom. Whew, that was a mouthful. If you can't tell already, this is a heck of a doozy for what people may mistake as a kids show. Not even Nick takes it seriously darn you Spongebob!. Book 4 has been a dark and depressing season, proving that animate shows can indeed be taken seriously. The finale for this series is probably one of the best show finales I've ever seen despite the complaints centered around the show's final seconds.
2. The Librarians | TNT
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Alright, I'm a huge science fiction nerd as if it wasn't obvious enough. 'The Librarians' did a good job playing to its strength and capturing the hearts of many fellow geeks like me out there. At first I thought it looked like some weird attempt at revamping the Doctor Who/Warehouse 13 concept but after a few episodes (not the pilot...the pilot sucked) I couldn't help but be slightly impressed. 'The Librarians' follow a group of, you guessed it, Whovians! "librarians" who set out on various adventures to collect ancient artifacts. I put this show on the list because I think it has a lot of potential for the upcoming 2015 season and can be something really fun to watch. It may be a bit too early to call it but hey, I have hope. Plus, who doesn't like dragons? Communists that's who!
1. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
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Okay, I'll take the I-told-you-so jabs now. When Marvel's '
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D' first came out I was the show's #1 hater. I had seen the first few episodes and I just stopped watching because it was just so...
pointless. There was no drive to watch the next episode and it just didn't live up to the hype. Cue in about a year later and after lots and lots and lots of convincing
and possible bribing, I decided to give this show a second chance. I would hereby like to apologize to each and every person that I initially dished passive judgement on for recommending that I finish this show. Not only has Marvel created the perfect media experience with having '
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D' work off of and compliment the Marvel cinematic universe, season 2 that premiered this year has added (and started off) the best possible introduction to Marvel's
Phase 3 plans to
take every cent of money they can from us spur on their cinematic universe. There's so much more I can say but you'll just have to experience for yourself. Hail
Hydra Marvel.
Honorable Mentions
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