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The Williams Effect: Movies Inspire Us

Growing up, I wasn't like normal kids. A lot of kids grew up with a childhood hero in mind; that one person inspired their dreams and molded their creative character. Apart from my dad, there wasn't really anyone I remembered looking up to. When I heard about the passing of Robin Williams yesterday, I felt like I had lost my childhood just took me 15 years to figure out I had one. You don't know what you have until it's done right?

"You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I'll guarantee you'll win. No matter what."
Hunter Patch Adams ('Patch Adams')

Many of us grew up with Robin at one time or another, whether it be the witty and comedic voice of Genie in 'Aladdin' or the oh-so-lovable Patch Adams in....well 'Patch Adams'. It was difficult to hold back tears as I scrolled through the countless tribute posts to Robin Williams on Facebook and Twitter, especially this one. If it's one thing that showed through the grief, it's that Robin's movies inspired us all. Whether it be in a big or small way, his stellar performances and comedic characters meant something to us all. We don't want to admit it but films inspire us, shape our thinking, and affect us in such a deep way that we mourn the loss of people like Robin Williams, despite not knowing him personally.

"My first day as a woman and I'm getting hot flashes"
 Daniel Hillard/Mrs. Doubtfire ('Mrs. Doubfire')

Film has the interesting habit of being immortal; they just won't die. The art of film (yes movies do count as art!) has this unique way of moving us and awakening feelings in us as stories are woven. We all love movies. We watch them with our families, our friends, to be entertained, and even to get a temporary escape from the world around us. That's what makes them so much more than just a way to kill two hours. I'm sure that you have that one movie that you can always go to on a bad day and it'll make you wanna build a snowman cheer you up, or that special flick to put the cherry on top of a night with some friends. That's proof that film has the power to transcend beyond just being entertainment and move us as people to think, feel, and act.

'Three wishes to be exact. And ixnay on wishing for more wishes. That's all." 
 Genie ('Aladdin')

Films are truly an escape. Think about it. How many times have you gotten up out of a showing, shook that sleeping leg, stretched your limbs in every direction possible, walked out into the sun, and took a minute or two to get your bearings again. Back to reality. What happened? Well you just spent the last hour and forty minutes in the bizarre world of Jumaji, ducking and dodging the dangers of this mystical board game prison. No wonder you need some time to get back on your feet. You'll never look at board games the same again. You underwent a journey my friend. You returned you different than you were at the start. As whimsical and fictional as it may be, it left it's mark on you. You're a changed person whether you realize it or not.

"I was that little boy, Sarah..."
Alan Parrish ('Jumanji')

Take a moment and reminisce on the memories. That one family night where you all laughed together and bonded over 'Toy Story'. That one time you watched a movie with that guy or girl and in the quiet of it all you both ended up holding hands. That one night after a long, hard day and you hopped in your pajamas with your hair pulled up and a tub of ice cream and that movie that gave you the perfect downtime. That abundant joy you felt after walking out of that movie you've been waiting to see for so long. For me, I'll always remember those mornings sitting down in my underwear as I watched Woody and Buzz take on the world together. Nothing sounded better than the whirring of the VHS as I took in every single minute of 'Toy Story'. When the tape stopped I would rewind it to the beginning and start my magical morning all over again. What just seemed as pointless Saturday mornings as a kid, turned into one of the very inspirations that drove me into the filmmaking field. I want to create those experiences for people just like I had. What is it that films have inspired you to do? What films bring your friends or your family together? What's that movie that shaped you more than any other movie you've ever watched? Never underestimate the experiences and stories films tell you. They will impact you in a way that you'll never expect.

Rest in peace Robin Williams. Thank you for your brilliant work. You are an inspiration to us all.

The Williams Effect: Movies Inspire Us Reviewed by Craig on 11:15 PM Rating: 5

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