From gritty reboots to comic book franchise blockbusters to bad life decisions, 2014 was a freakin' good year for cinema. Surprisingly, the sequel and adaptation films reached above and beyond even the original creative films this year. So many much little time. It all felt like it stretched beyond the time span of a year. Looking through the list of releases, I was taken by surprise at some of the movies that did in fact come out this year such as '
The Lego Movie', '
Anchorman 2' and '
The Other Woman' (don't judge me). In fact, there were so many good films this year that I couldn't just settle at the "Top 10" mark...I had to make it 14 and that may not even do it justice. Without further ado here are my picks for the top 14 films, in no particular order, of 2014. Okay? Okay.
14. 22 Jump Street
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Everyone's unexpectedly-hilarious-but-somewhat-disturbing duo of Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill returned this year to the silver screen in '22 Jump Street'. This is one of the best examples of what a sequel should be. Not only was it funnier but it was more clever as well. I don't think there was a single moment where '22 Jump Street' wasn't making fun of itself. Kudos to it for also having one of the best end credit scenes I've seen in a long time. You know it's good when you stay for a movie's entire end sequence (that isn't Marvel). Never has contract disputes been so funny. Quite frankly, it was satire at it's finest. I'm super excited for '23 Jump Street' and all the comedic genius that will come with it.
13. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
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This is one film that sure took my by surprise. Although '
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' was a pretty good flick, I had my share of doubts. I went in expecting a fairly good ape movie but boy was I surprised. Monkeys on a horse carrying two assault rifles now sit snugly in my fear closet, right next to clowns and undercooked Chinese food. Everything was tightly put together and absolutely phenomenal. I left the theatre wanting to watch it again and it was even better a second time.
Long live Ceaser!
12. Godzilla
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Now I realize that some people may disagree with this on the list. To be honest I put this here because it had so much potential to be much, much worse...but it wasn't. While there could've been a little less human (and useless Bryan Cranston) and a little more giant lizard action, it was still an impressive movie. Godzilla looked as monstrous and sinister as ever tearing up the city streets and the fighting scenes were stunning. If it's one thing I learned it's that all is not lost in the world of American cinema. This was one remake that I would defend and it's one movie that deserves a heck of a sequel.
11. X-Men: Days of Future Past
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This...this was such a clever and unexpected surprise. When 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' came to theaters, that was the day that comic book nerds around the globe rejoiced. The X-Men cinematic universe as we knew it all got reset to the way it should be in just over 2 hours. What a beautiful historic event. Now I can shout from the highest rooftops that the terrible experiences of some of the older X-Men movies are not relevant! Thank you Bryan Singer. You have done a great service to nerds everywhere. Now you're almost guaranteed to suck the life out of all of our wallets for the next 10-12 films. Don't worry, I didn't need to eat this week anyway #FilterFeed.
10. How to Train Your Dragon 2
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One-legged Hiccup and his toothless companion, Toothless, ventured the sky and surrounding seas in what is probably one of the best animated sequels of modern day cinema. Dreamworks took a possible disaster and made it absolute gold. '
How To Train Your Dragon 2' was a visual masterpiece that dared to do what few animated films have done before. I swear, it was like they were showing off. The fire, the water, the
peach fuzz...all of it was breath-taking. This is an absolute must-watch and an absolute-must-watch-on-blu-ray-while-in-pajamas experience.
9. Guardians of the Galaxy
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I won't even waste any words here. If you haven't already, please go see this movie. '
Guardians of the Galaxy' is the best non-superhero superhero movie that you never asked for or knew about before yesterday. This is living proof that if Marvel puts their name on a film, it will poop gold within gold. Starlord/Peter Quill (Chriss Pratt), Gamora (Zoey Saldana), Drax (Dave Bautista), Groot (Vin Diesel) and Rocket (Bradley Cooper) are some of
the most hilarious and lovable characters in the universe. As if this movie wasn't already gold, the soundtrack will change your life.
Everyone's been hooked a feeling since (ba dum tss!).
8. Interstellar
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Christopher Nolan achieved a whole new level of transcendence coming up with the masterpiece that is '
Interstellar'. It's been a month and I'm still not quite sure if I can come up with the correct words to describe what I saw/experienced/listened to/dreamed about the night after. Unlike '
Inception', '
Interstellar' felt whole and altogether cohesive. This was a complete idea despite the paradoxical circle that some people says it created. This wasn't a box, this was a
sophisticated and elegant cube. I'm not quite sure that humanity will be able to fully digest the scope of this film for at least a few years but this is something that everyone deserves to experience. Everything that '
Interstellar' gives you will impact you in a way that few movies have impacted you before. Oh and if that wasn't enough to make you want to watch it, there are
legitimate scientific research studies taking place on the science done in the movie. Yea.
7. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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2014, undoubtedly, was the year of the nerd. So many comic book films. At the tippy top of the iceberg is 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'. Before the 'Guardians of the Galaxy', Marvel took a step to the dark side with this risk. This film took some really dark and depressing turns proving once and for all that the world of superheroes isn't a one filled with fluffy cats and well cooked bacon. 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' was a heavy and gritty film that kicked the Marvel universe into overdrive and now stuff just got real. Kudos to the action as well. The fights and moves were so well choreographed and so tightly executed that the audience was flinching with every kick and knife stab. Definitely one of the best Marvel movies to ever be released.
6. The Lego Movie
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EVERYTHING IS AWESOMEEE!!!!! EVERYTHING IS COOL WHEN YOU'RE PART OF A TEAM! EVERYTHING IS AWESOMEEEEEEEE! 'The Lego Movie' knocked it out of the park. It seemed childish and a bit immature but it's is the exact opposite. If anything this movie is geared more towards adults than children. Those of us who grew up playing with lego blocks and know the searing-pain-from-the-deepest-pits-of-hell feeling that we get when we stepped on a stray corner piece will relate to this this film in so many ways. Oh and Batman. Everything is better in black...and really, really dark grey.
5. Gone Girl
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'Gone Girl' was one movie that took everyone by surprise and the box office by storm. Leading up to it, I don't even remember seeing any trailers or advertisements. Shoots I didn't even know it was a novel. Surprise, surprise 'Gone Girl' oozed the creative style of David Fincher ('Fight Club', 'The Social Network', 'The Curious Case for Benjamin Button') and stunned audiences over and over and over again. There really isn't much I can say without spoiling it but just take my word for it. This deserves a spot on this list.
4. The Fault in Our Stars
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Four movie ticket stubs, a deluxe edition blu-ray order and two boxes of tissues later, I am still in love with '
The Fault in Our Stars'. As a huge fan of John Green, author of the novel, I had no idea what to think when the announcement was made that this spectacular YA story was going to be made into a film for the big screen. I wanted to be excited but I wanted to burn buildings down at the same time. After all, books and movies tend to not get along well. After getting the chance to see it and sniffling through my tears I have to say there have been very few movies that I have enjoyed more. There are just so many
good things about this movie: the book loyalty, the colors, the cinematography, the acting...all so marvelous. Call me
a tearful wreck a romantic crazy but I think everyone should see this movie
at least once. With tissues. Okay? Okay.
3. Birdman
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'Birdman' is a hard film to describe. Aside from it being something that just about no one has heard of, it's an entire psychological anomaly in and of itself. Basically an washed up actor has to reinvent himself after turning down another stab at being the superhero The Birdman. It's rather interesting. The cinematography is what really captured my attention for this flick though. Most, if not, all of it is stages as if it was done in one shot. That's incredible for a feature length film. Aside from that there are a lot of carefully placed elements in 'Birdman' that just leaves you wanting to delve into it more because it does pique your curiosity. I enjoy psychological films that play on uncommon yet powerful themes. It's a treat I must say and to give it a spot on this list is the least I can do.
2. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
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There's a reason why I didn't write a review on this film. It was amazing of course, but I wanted to take my time writing about 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1'. It was such a compliment to the book that it deserves more than a movie review. Keep an eye out for it in the near future. I will say though that this film broke all expectations that fans of the series put in place. So much so that a definitive line was drawn and you would either be placed on the "This-did-the-book-so-much-justice-ohmygah-I-can't-wait-until-part-2" side or you would fall on the "Ohmygah-this-was-so-boring-I-don't-get-it" side. Rest assured everyone who falls on the latter, there is a part 2 and it will be glorious. 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1' got all of the necessary character development elements and storyboarding out of the way so the good stuff can come next year. Trust me. It'll be worth it. You all will be glad you took the time out to watch this. I have said it before and I will say it again. Thank you so much Francis Lawrence for taking up this franchise.
1. Boyhood
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For starters, 'Boyhood' was shot over the course of 12 years with the same cast. Twelve. Freaking. Years. That in itself is a task that deserves so much respect. For such a long process there is a simple story: this is the life of Mason from age 5 to age 18. You get to experience growing up through his eyes. Truly revolutionary. I don't really have much to say about this movie except that everyone should go watch it. Now. It's an unforgettable experience and it brings us all back to what the art of film making really is.
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